Real estate is a well known to be competitive. We try to help you be a step ahead of everyone else in selling your home, and investing in another.

When looking to buy a new home, there are so many factors to consider. As a vigilant new homeowner, you want to make sure that your house or apartment is a safe and comfortable place. One thing that is of the utmost importance for your families safety is an absence of lead paint. Lead is an extremely toxic metal that was once a popular base in the paint. This material can be seriously detrimental to the health of you and your family. Luckily, the state and the federal government have taken steps to outlaw the use of lead paint, with various Lead Paint Laws.

What is the Lead Paint Law?

In 1978, the federal government officially outlawed the use of lead-based paint in residential buildings. This was after many state governments had independently…

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We here at Tom Crimmins Realty can attest to the importance of a good credit score. When it comes to buying a home, big or small, all credit-collecting companies look at one thing before offering a loan: your credit report. This might be a breeze for some and nerve-wracking for others. Here’s a crash course on all things credit and how to break the coveted 850.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a three-digit number ranging from 300-850 that expresses how likely you are to repay your debts. This number is created by the three main credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, using algorithm models created by companies like FICO. Lenders use this number to determine approval for loans, credit limits, interest rates, and other financial…

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Your home is your sanctuary, your personal space. It should be a place that is welcoming to both you and others. When you buy a home from Tom Crimmins Realty, you are buying not just a house, but a place of potential: of memories, growth, and comfort for years to come. For our eager buyers, there is nothing more exciting than decorating their new home to their personal style. But often, as we get busy and caught up in our lives, years pass by, and our home decor falls to the wayside. Professional renovations can be complicated and costly, not to mention the weeks spent dealing with strangers in your home. But fret not, here are a few do-it-yourself tips to bring the life back into your home.

Paint, Paint, Paint

Do you feel like your house is dull…

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Besides the number of rooms and location, we all know that the aesthetics of a house are one of the main keys that sell it. There are secrets behind this simple concept for instance, paint colors matter tremendously. The buyer could repaint the walls after they purchase the home, but that is a hassle that can make or break the deal. Make sure the walls are not in disrepair and here are some tips for certain rooms!

Neutral colors are always a safe choice if you're indecisive. Warm beige, white, and gray. are all safe choices to dress your room casually. However, to keep things from being bland you should decorate the room, especially if the room is small. Add a few pops of color by some small wall arts or just any thing that would look aesthetic. Don't…

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Cimex lectularius, also known as the common bedbug, feeds purely on human blood and can be found worldwide. These insects are a major hassle to get rid of, and dangerous to boot.

Found mainly in urban environments, the common bedbug has wreaked havoc among society for millennia. The vampire like bugs are small in size, oval shaped, and a dark brown color, however; they swell up after feeding. They don't fly, but do have small wings and also have beak-like mouths which they pierce the skin with to suck the blood. A healthy female can produce up to 500 eggs during her short life span and produce around two to five eggs per day, making their extermination rather difficult.

These pests are built to be able to hide easily, especially during the during…

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The National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) wrote to Congress on February 21st of this year seeking a ban on the sale of trigger leads.


Discussion of GSE reform has heated up once again.


Digital identity is an electronically verified set of attributes that uniquely describe a person and can be beneficial in providing simplified application…

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Home sellers have had a windfall in 2017 with buyers paying more than the list price on 24.1 percent of home sales during the year according to a report by real estate website Zillow.


The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute categorizes real estate as an alternative investment that includes residential and commercial properties as well as mortgage-based securities and real estate investment trusts.



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Now, we know that there is a whole bunch of confusing terminology when it comes to real estate, but that's why Tom Crimmins Realty is here to help. We know it's frustrating when you don't quiet know the definiton of some words being used so here's a list of 9 important terminology that everyone should know. 

Buyers Agent & Listing Agent

 The buyers agent is the agent that is representing the individuals who are purchasing the home.The listing agent is the agent who is representing the home seller,which are the people who are selling their home. 


An appraisal is an evalutation on a house or property based on prior sales of similar houses and properties around it;the estimated market value on a property.


A real estate…

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Solar energy is the newest trend happening now. People are starting to invest in solar panels for their house. If you are reading this article you  might be deciding on whether or not to hop on the band wagon with them. Tom Crimmins Realty would like to help you make this decision. Let's start off by explaining what solar energy is. Solar energy converts energy from the sun into electrical energy we can use to power our homes, or at least semi power our homes. It's a great way to recycle energy, but might not be for everyone. Here are some pros and cons about solar energy.

The Pros

Environmentally friendly- Converting the sun's energy into electrical energy is a clean process in which no fumes or other unwanted gases are emitted into the earth as an…

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Keeping your curb appeal doesn't have to be just for cosmetic reasons. Why not use your curb appeal to also repel unwanted guests. There are many varieties of plants that can repel all sorts of bugs and other animals like cats, dogs, and squirrels and won't cause your lawn or garden to look like a sore.

Plants That Repel Bugs:

Basil- Is a delicious additive to any meal and growing some fresh basil will not only enhance your meal. Basi is a great way to repel house flies and mosquitos. Basil is also hard to grow outside because of its sensitivity to temperature. Did you know that harvesting basil will help it grow and reproduce? Every time you harvest basil, two more stems sprout. 


Mint- Planting Mint can repel mosquitoes. If you do decide to…

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