Your credit score is an important part of your financial profile. It has a direct impact on your ability to take out loans. The score itself is a numerical reflection of your credit history. It gives lenders a way to discern your reliability before approving a loan like a mortgage for instance. 

Mortgage Loan Approval: Will Your Score Make the Cut?

First and foremost, the status of your credit score is a deciding factor in whether or not you are approved for a loan. Even if you put down a large down payment on your home, a low credit score can still cause the loan to be rejected. For this reason, it's best to wait until you've built up a good credit score before looking to purchase a house.

Mortgage Interest Rates: The Lower the Score the Higher…

2015 Views, 0 Comments

As homeowners, we are always searching for ways to enhance our home and aesthetic value. Don't despair if you are short on cash. You can still have a beautiful home. Sometimes a little elbow grease is a decent replacement for extravagant money, and other times you can get great deals by shopping around for items that are costly. 


Wooden floors look great but before you pay an arm and a leg, know that there is no hard data to support that hardwood flooring provides greater resale value to a house than other types of floor coverings. (x) Liz Weintraub, from About's Guide to Home Buying and Selling, says: notably bamboo and Brazilian cherry will provide greater intrinsic value to a home. 

Go Green

It's no surprise that we - and everyone -…

14061 Views, 0 Comments

Initially 248 sale sides back in May 2014 to 303 sale sides last month in June, the real estate market is stepping up.

June 2014 Real Estate Market Sale Sides

Month Year Monthly Sales Monthly Volume Avg List $ Avg Sale $ Median Sold $ Avg DOM
June 2014 303 $132,774,451 $463,856 $438,199 $385,000 112

Staten Island wrapped June up with an average sale price of $438,199. This is an increase from the $410,867 that was brought in May 2014.

Month Year Monthly Sales Monthly Volume Avg List $ Avg Sale $ Median Sold $ Avg DOM
Jun 2013 312 $131,754,950 $447,409 $422,291 $399,950 149

Although the average listing to the average sale prices are closer in June 2013. Homes have spent fewer days on the…

5790 Views, 0 Comments

It is easy for home buyers to get caught up in the excitement of buying their perfect home that they miss crucial points that they need to know about the property.

If you are buying a home, make sure that you don’t miss any of these commonly overlooked details:

Do the Appliances Work?

Take the time to test major appliances in the home to ensure they are functioning properly. This is a flaw that is often overlooked in a home inspection. It is a good idea to ask your home inspector to run every appliance through its full cycle to make sure that there are no problems.

How Many Outlets Does the House Have?

In this century, everyone knows the importance and reliance on electonics. When you do a walkthrough of a house, you may not pay mind to the…

2253 Views, 0 Comments

Earlier this year, Tom Delese received the first Rising Star Award at SIBOR's 2014 Top Producer's Breakfast, Agent Day. Now, Tom Delese is being recognized as one of Zillow's Top Real Estate Agent. We are proud of our friend and fellow real estate salesperson, Tom Delese, on his accomplishments.

'Zillow’s going coast-to-coast shining the spotlight on some of the best agents in cities across the country. These Zillow Premier Agents are successful in their community and have used Zillow to help grow their business.'

By Alena Pilichowski July 2, 2014

Today’s New York, NY agent finds balance in his life by enjoying numerous hobbies outside of his career, including flying remote control aircraft, collecting books, and building wooden train…

2256 Views, 0 Comments

When you are constantly on the go, the best information is the kind you can access at the touch of your finger. You constantly read reviews and waste time on apps to see which works best. These are 10 apps that will make your real estate experience easier.

1. Evernote: Have too many business cards and want to consolidate? Brought to us by LinkedIn - Evernote allows you to transfer scans of business cards and the app will transcribe the cards into a detailed contact list. You can also send LinkedIn requests using the information provided. Perfect for networking! Originally CardMunch (which will be discontinued as of July 11).


2. DocuSign: "The complete solution for managing real estate transaction." You can sign documents, send documents out…

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