Sometimes it is hard to keep your home refreshed or up to date in the today's market. We showcase some home tips we think could be helpful before you choose to sell, or if you would just like to keep your home maintained.

Pros & Cons of Owning a Vacation Home:


Vacation homes are secondary homes that some own to get distance from their primary residence and to get some needed time away. When you think of vacation homes, you think of tranquility, peace, a place to de-stress from your day to day lives. A vacation home can be a great place to spend time with family and friends to make memories which can come with many benefits to owning!

A vacation home allows a convenient get away whenever you want. You no longer have to stress about booking a hotel or worrying about availability and cost. You have the ability to be flexible when you want to go and not worry that you have to go for a set period of time. It’s extremely convenient that you won’t have to pack a lot.…

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Main Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Home

Happy Home

A home is a long-term investment as it can increase in value, gain equity and many other reasons for a home being an investment. When purchasing a home, there are many things that you should look for. These factors can be a good determination of whether the home is a good fit and whether you should consider making an offer at this house. Some factors to consider while buying a new home are as follows:

  • Price of the property
  • Location of the home
  • Main Functions the home provides
  • Size of the property
  • Structure of the property Design and upgrades
  • Home Type and Style
  • Condition of the home
  • Safety of the neighborhood

The following factors are significant when looking…

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Pros and Cons for Buying a Fixer Upper:


In real estate, you may hear quite a lot buying a fixer up. This has many different meanings but they all mean that it is a home that is in need of a lot of work cosmetically and a lot of TLC to make it a home again. Buying a fixer upper can be worth it depending on the certain situation you are in. If you are in a good financial state, a fixer upper can be beneficial for an abundance of reasons. Some reasons vary from being an investor who is fixing up a property to rent out, a construction worker who bought the home to flip and resell or even someone who bought a fixer upper to make their dream home.

The pros to buying a fixer upper can be worth it since they usually are bought at a low price depending…

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When Home Maintenance Should Be Completed:


When it comes to owning a home, there are many tasks that should be kept up with yearly to ensure your safety and the longevity of your home. Regular house upkeep increases the lifespan of equipment and HVAC systems, among other things. By doing this, you may be able to avoid paying thousands of dollars in unnecessary replacement and maintenance costs. Owning a home versus renting comes with many different commitments. If something fails, the homeowner is responsible for fixing it; there is no landlord to step in. Which goes to show how important it is for the homeowners to keep their house well-maintained.

Monthly maintenance that should be done for your home includes testing smoke detectors. Please…

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Learn more about our agents Mario Minelli & John Baldassano:


Mario Minelli and John Boldassano are both a part of the Tom Crimmins Realty team as Agents but are also Home Inspectors with their own companies. You can better comprehend what you're going to buy with the help of a trained home inspector. A home inspection may reveal problems that are not apparent to the buyer even if the house may appear to be in good condition and even be ready to move into. To learn more about Home Inspections read our blog titled “What is a Home Inspection?” However, getting back to our very own agents who are also licensed home inspectors. Mario Minelli has a company named Boro-Wide Home Inspections and John Boldassano has a company named S.I Finest Home Inspection…

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How to protect your home during the Winter:


During the winter months in New York, we can experience snowstorms, freezing temperatures, ice, etc. During the winter months, your home is more prone to experience some ice damage to your home's foundation which can also result in leaks, the formation of mildew, and even damage to your carpet. During cold weather if you have a sump pump, cold conditions can freeze a pipe, sending water back into the house and increasing the risk of leaks, mold, and mildew in your home. There are many possibilities of what can happen especially as during the colder months, challenges are profound. In Staten Island, the weather has been relatively decent this winter season but these are tips to keep in mind to prepare your…

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The Simplified Steps to Purchasing a Home:


When it comes to purchasing a home, it is a big investment and you want to do everything correctly. When it comes to Real Estate, there are a bunch of terms that may confuse you completely and discourage you. However, the process of buying a home does not have to be as difficult as it seems if certain steps are followed.

One of the main steps is to find a real estate agent that will direct you through this process. Once a real estate agent is found, the home searching process can begin. The homeowner/seller pays the agent fees out of the money received from the sale of the property in New York, much like nearly every other real estate market in the United States. This indicates that they are paying for…

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Pros and Cons of a Homeowners Association:


A real estate developer will establish a homeowners association to plan and oversee the construction of a neighborhood comprising houses, townhomes, and/or condominiums. It is granted the power to oversee the development's common areas and enforce the covenants, regulations, and limits. A homeowners association is a group of board directors that run the private community.

These board members analyze and watch over the property, manage the finances, enforce specific rules, and make sure the community is caught up with all of the maintenance. These individuals that are classified as the board directors are elected by all of the homeowners. The homeowners association has many responsibilities that impact…

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All About Property Managers:


A property manager is a person or business that is employed to handle the daily management of a piece of real estate. When they are unable or unwilling to handle the properties themselves, landowners and investors in real estate generally engage property managers. A property manager has various responsibilities that are given to them by the they are hired from. The property manager is required to watch over and manage the real estate properties that the owners hired them to do so.

Specific roles of the property manager are determining the rent of the property, fixing repairs, performing maintenance and repairs, and handling the issues with clients of the property. The property manager is required to deal with both…

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All About Estate Sales & Garage Sales:


While driving around Staten Island, you may see signs posted all around saying “GARAGE SALE” at a said location and time or you may see a sign that says “ESTATE SALE.” If you have ever wondered if there is a difference between the two, yes there is. When compared to garage sales, estate sales are more structured and official. In contrast to garage sales, which are intended to get rid of outdated household goods, estate sales are aimed to clear out a complete estate. Estate sales are one-time events, although homeowners may opt to have garage sales for several weeks at a time. Both garage and estate sales are fantastic choices for anybody hoping to get a great price on unique stuff, regardless of how you're…

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