Knowing what you want before you start looking is a big help when house-hunting. Providing your real estate agent with a list of 'must-haves' before you begin touring listings is a not only beneficial to your agent but yourself as well. 

Is it a 'Must-Have' or a 'Nice-to-Have'?

Before making a hasty decision, it is always wise to repeat to yourself: need, want or desire.

There are items that you want and certain 'deal breakers' that you cannot live without. An absolute 'must-have' might be proximity to work or certain schools, whereas desirable features could include a shed or a built-in barbeque pit. Knowing the difference between something you want and something that is absolutely required can save you a lot of time and money.

How to…

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If you can't beat them, join them! Social media is at an all time high and has numerous outlets.

Twitter has more than 500 million registered users who share about 340 million tweets per day. With these high numbers, it is only logical for real estate agents to sign up and use Twitter to interact with clients and learn from peers.

Creating a social platform and status is a stepping stone for real estate agents. It is a great way to market and advertise a personal brand listings - with a 140 character limit. Twitter is simple to use and easy to do. 

Whether you are just getting started or already have a Twitter account that may be lying dormant, these twitter tips for real estate agents will help you in the first step of our Twitter social media…

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When applying for a mortgage, a lender may ask a borrower to show "post-closing reserves," depending on the mortgage program that the borrower is applying for (the funds must only be "shown," they are not taken by the lender). This is a very common underwriting guideline when applying for a "Conventional" mortgage on a 2-unit property. For example, if the proposed "PITI" (principal and interest, real estate taxes and homeowner's insurance) total $2,000 per month, then a lender wants to see a total of $12,000 in reserve, post-closing. These assets, that need to be shown, may be excess liquid funds in bank accounts, monies held in mutual funds or retirement funds (lenders generally let a borrower use 60% of a non-liquid retirement account when used for…

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Tom Crimmins Realty 282 Nelson Avenue Staten IslandWatch out South Shore! Tom Crimmins Realty has officially opened their doors in a new office located at 282 Nelson Avenue. 

Since starting in the real estate business four years ago, Tom Crimmins Realty became the fastest growing real estate company on Staten Island. Having a new office location on the south shore allows every area on Staten Island to be serviced by our seasoned professionals respectively. 

According to Staten Island Board of Realtors MLS Ranking, in 2013, Tom Crimmins Realty finished third islandwide. Stats also show the firm is the #1 on the North Shore agency regarding actual sales. Crossing fingers these stats will continue in our adventures in the south shore.

Years of experience helping buyers and sellers means Tom Crimmins…

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