Our agency and agents are involved in numerous charities. These charity events span from the Christmas Toy Drive, to the agency's stand in Light The Night, to an agent's generous contribution to the Staten Island Zoo.

On June 24th, 2017, Tom Crimmins Realty sponsored and organized a Family Fun Day. Located at the Conference House Park at 292 Satterlee Street, Staten Island, NY, 10307, family friendly events were held for everyone from 12-4pm. Booths from different companies and establishments gave out snacks, food, drinks, activities, toys, etc all for free.


The Tom Crimmins Realty Booth

A large group of people came out to help during this event, many of which donated time, money, and supplies. We give a special thanks to:

  • Abe & Sheri Aruch Chairspersons of Tom Crimmins Realty 
  • All the Tom Crimmins Realty Volunteers
  • The Conference House Association
  • NYC Dept. of Parks
  • Elli Kalamaras of U.S. Mortgage 
  • Peter & Graig Martin as well as well…

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Winning students (Dorothy Ha, Damien Montanez, Garrett Vanderneut, Samantha Harrell) attended awards ceremony for Tom Crimmins Realty's Annual Essay Contest at The Manor House on Tuesday June 20, 2017. Alongside them are Suzanne and Tom Crimmins, Dan Boxman from United Northern, and fellow Tom Crimmins Realty agents (Peter Nacionales, Jack Favaloro, Vince Monardo, Sheri and Abe Aruch).

After a while of hard work and dedication in 5th grade classes across Staten Island, students and their schools submitted their essays to Tom Crimmins Realty's Annual 5th Grade Essay Contest. Following the submission of hundreds of essays from many schools both public and private, all essays were thoughtfully reviewed by our agents and staff.

This year, students…

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Don't Forget To Come Join Us!

If it so happens to rain, the rain date will be the following Sunday: June 25, 2017!

Don't miss out on our Family Fun Day! It is a great FREE event to take the family to! 

We at Tom Crimmins Realty are very proud to invite the Staten Island community to our free family fun day at The Historic Conference on Saturday June 24, 2017 from 12 to 4 pm.

We have joined forces with the NYC Parks Department, The Conference House Group and many community minded businesses to organize, sponsor and run a great event to raise both awareness and monies for The Conference House.

The day will include free food, drinks, candy, ice cream, novelty toys, popcorn, snacks, hot pretzels, music and more. The activities will include a…

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 Come Join Us!

We at Tom Crimmins Realty are very proud to invite the Staten Island community to our free family fun day at The Historic Conference on Saturday June 24, 2017 from 12 to 4 pm.

We have joined forces with the NYC Parks Department, The Conference House Group and many community minded businesses to organize, sponsor and run a great event to raise both awareness and monies for The Conference House.

The day will include free food, drinks, candy, ice cream, novelty toys, popcorn, snacks, hot pretzels, music and more. The activities will include a kid’s fun run, a basketball and soccer demo, CPR instruction, SIUH blood pressure check, dog training show by Black Jack Ryan, Historic Conference House tours, NYC Park tours, fun kid’s photos,…

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About The Conference House

The Conference House (formerly known at the Billopp House) is a two-story, rubble stone masonry building constructed circa 1680 by Christopher Billopp. Originally rectangular in plan,  the house was extended in the 18th century with the addition of a one-and-a-half story kitchen wing.

The Conference House is named in honor and commemoration of the famous peace conference of 1776.  On September 11, 1776, Continental Congress representatives John Adams, Edward Rutledge, and Benjamin Franklin met with the King’s representative, Lord Richard Howe, at Colonel Christopher Billopp’s home on Staten Island.  The British would not consider independence a negotiable term and the congressional representatives had been authorized only…

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Victoria Droumbakis is gala Chairperson for the Staten Island Mental Health Society (SIMHS). This Friday, March 18th, the Mental Health Society held a gala at Above to honor Melissa Rabinovich and Fern Aaron Zagor.


By: Carol Ann Benanti | benanti@siadvance.com 

The Staten Island Mental Health Society's 2016 Gala attracted an enthusiastic crowd Friday in the Above Ballroom at the Hilton Garden Inn, which abounded with elaborate raffle prizes and dancing galore.

Entertainment at the Bloomfield venue was provided by members of the SIMHS Children's Theatre Association Performing Arts Company, led by award-winning artistic director Rosemarie Callahan, with DJ entertainment by Sound Explosion.

Honored during the evening were NY1 News…

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Event Leaders

Finish the Fight Against Cancer Coordinators (l. to r.), Francine Gilberto, Suzanne Crimmins, Bonnie Licursi, Sallyanne Malfi.

Our American Cancer Fundraiser at The Stone House Restaurant on Friday, March 18th, was a huge success. The room was filled with over 150 great caring people and we raised over $13,000 for a great cause!

My wife, Suzanne, and Fran Gilberto did an amazing job chairing the event. I would also like to thank Marion Alameda, Sallyanne Malfi, Bonnie Licursi, my daughter Alexandra, my sons Billy & Ryan, Samantha Wong and Louis Giacalone for all their help especially with the raffles. Peter Botros once again outdid himself. The food and service was phenomenal. I would also like to thank the following sponsors for their…

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On March 18th, 2016 Tom Crimmins Realty will be sponsoring "Finish The Fight Against Cancer" Fundraiser at the Stone House Restaurant at Clove Lakes. 

According to the CDC, cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. Fortunately, over the past 2 decades, there has been a steady decline in the cancer death rate "as a result of fewer Americans smoking and advances in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment."

Come support with us and continue to end the fight against cancer.

There will be food, open bar, music & raffles and from 7pm to 11pm. Tickets are $100 per person; please make checks payable to:

“American Cancer Society” and send them to: Tom Crimmins Realty at 304…

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Staten Island Cystic FibrosisCystic Fibrosis is a life-threatening illness where more than 75 percent of people with CF are diagnosed by age 2. (x)

On Friday, November 27, at the Looney Bin Comedy Club, US Mortgage sponsored the event and joined forces with agents from Tom Crimmins Realty to raise money for this great cause. The packed sold out show is proof of people's care and support.

Sincere thanks to Steve Milner CEO, Tim Kennedy and Elli Kalamaras of US Mortgage and many agents from Tom Crimmins Realty for all their support. A special thanks to Marion Alameda and Suzanne Crimmins for spearheading the event.

The heartfelt night brought a true smile to 12 year old Kamryn Rose Fasano, Marion's cousin, who suffers from Cystic Fibroisis.

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We have started our Toy Drive and are asking for any donations. This year, toys will go to the CYO & Police Officer Rocco Laurie Foundation for further distribution. Retired and active police officers memorialize Police Officer Rocco Laurie by continuing the foundation that has annual scholarships for junior high school students and participates in outreach endeavors. CYO's mission is to provide recreational, cultural and spiritual activities to the young people of the Archdiocese of New York.

Tom Crimmins Realty will be accepting donations, you can drop off toys at our 304 Manor Road office in Westerleigh.

Please share with family and friends!

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