Hailing from none other than Arrochar, local celebrity Elissa Montanti is working hard to improve the lives of children all around the world.

It all started in 1997, after reading the poignant words of Kenan Malkic, a child who lost both arms and one leg in the Bosnian civil war. “God and all merciful people to help me getting prosthetics," he pleaded, and Elissa could not ignore. Elissa faced a period of depression following the loss of her relatives, that left her confused and lost. However, she was inspired by the struggle of children in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a province of former Yugoslavia, during their bloody civil war. She initially appealed to the United Nations ambassador to Bosnia asking to send supplies to children of the region, a province of…

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Why are Beach Cleanups Important? 

Have you ever wondered what happens to the trash that is left on the beach? Sometimes it stays there for a while, but most of the time it is harming animals living in the oceans and beaches. When the trash that we leave behind on the beach gets into our oceans, animals can easily mistake the vast amount of trash as their certain food source. An example of this action is with sea turtles because when a sea turtle sees a plastic bag floating around in the ocean, they might mistake it for a jellyfish and then swallowing it as a whole. This can be extremely harmful to the sea turtles because eating that plastic bag is bad for their health. The plastic bag can prevent the sea turtles from eating anymore, thus, cause it to…

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