Going head to head to cash buyers is always competitive. Cash buyers are seen as desirable because there are no banks involved and they’re almost always a guaranteed quick close. But don’t freight; there is still hope of getting your dream home!

Here are some ideas to help beat out those cash buyers:

20 Percent Down Payment

Save up a higher down payment for the price range. If you can come up with 20 percent or more, then you’re in a position to wave the appraisal contingency for financing with the bank. In simpler terms - the more cash you have saved, the better.

Take-It-or-Leave-It Home Inspection

This means that based on the home inspection, you’ll take the property with all its issues, but you still have the option walk away. What you…

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Islanders surrounded by tourists seem to be the biggest fear since the unveiling of St. George’s new plans. What is it about tourists that put such a taste of disdain in our mouths? I bet the memory of walking with a huff under your breath behind a tourist with a camera popped into your mind. There are some contributions for Staten Island from these picture happy tourists:


The hope of having 4 million visitors per year to St. George provides an idea of a vast increase in value for the area. Tourists and even locals visiting the newly revitalization area, which includes The Wheel and Empire Outlets, will generate $480 million private investment, and create over 1,200 construction jobs and 1,250 permanent jobs. Plans also include a…

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Before Staten Island was known as the Forgotten Borough, it was actually named 'Monacnong,' by the original Indian inhabitants, which means Enchanted Woods. The main groups that lived along the outskirts, rivers and lakes, and mountains of Staten Island and New York were the Algonquians, Iroquois, and the Lenape people. Staten Island had mountains? Yes, the last ice age created landforms like mountains and valleys when glaciers had covered the land.  

The tribes traded and grew plants among the Hudson RIver, Delaware River, and the Long Island RIver. Their famous crops were called the "The Three Sisters." "The Three Sisters" were the corn, bean and squash.

The Algonquians and the Iroquois have made many contributions to the Staten Island and New…

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