Found 2 blog entries tagged as renovation plans.

In order to keep your home decor looking fresh and up to date, it’s important to pay attention to the trends as they shift and change. 

Planning to redecorate this year? Consider these trends to pay attention to.

Getting Personal

Social media has made a big bang in 2013, and it is following into 2014. People are able to share their interests through pictures and inspire others with DIY ideas.

Printstagram turns your Instagram pictures into prints for frames, posters, calendars, and more.

Hang these pictures of family and friends or even scenery on the walls. Postcards or letters you may have collected and saved over the years will also add a personal touch. 

If you're looking for more pop culture rather than personal, an amazing website…

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Islanders surrounded by tourists seem to be the biggest fear since the unveiling of St. George’s new plans. What is it about tourists that put such a taste of disdain in our mouths? I bet the memory of walking with a huff under your breath behind a tourist with a camera popped into your mind. There are some contributions for Staten Island from these picture happy tourists:


The hope of having 4 million visitors per year to St. George provides an idea of a vast increase in value for the area. Tourists and even locals visiting the newly revitalization area, which includes The Wheel and Empire Outlets, will generate $480 million private investment, and create over 1,200 construction jobs and 1,250 permanent jobs. Plans also include a…

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