Found 3 blog entries tagged as extermination.

Cimex lectularius, also known as the common bedbug, feeds purely on human blood and can be found worldwide. These insects are a major hassle to get rid of, and dangerous to boot.

Found mainly in urban environments, the common bedbug has wreaked havoc among society for millennia. The vampire like bugs are small in size, oval shaped, and a dark brown color, however; they swell up after feeding. They don't fly, but do have small wings and also have beak-like mouths which they pierce the skin with to suck the blood. A healthy female can produce up to 500 eggs during her short life span and produce around two to five eggs per day, making their extermination rather difficult.

These pests are built to be able to hide easily, especially during the during…

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As the weather starts to turn a little colder and your yard goes into hibernation, the pests that used to live outdoors will want to take up residence in your warm, cozy home. Getting bugs out of your home is not only a headache, but also means that you’ll be spraying a variety of chemicals throughout your home.

Pesticides Can Be As Bad As Pests

Conventional pesticides usually get the job done, but they have been shown to negatively affect people and their pets. Children are especially sensitive to the chemicals as their organs, nervous and immune systems are still developing. Moral of the story, the fewer harsh chemicals you use, the better for your health.

Most Professionals Have Natural Options

Many professional pest control companies have…

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Ants and gnats are annoying and a hassle to get rid of in homes; but before you start using harsh chemicals to finish the job, here are a few alternative methods for eliminating those pests.


The best pest control is exclusion. That means sealing all nooks and crannies in your home where insects and other pests may enter.

Another way to block bugs from entering your home is a screen mesh.  If you don’t have them installed in your windows or doors, consider adding them.  The installation is easy and quick; it is also easy to change mesh screens to glass later on in the cold seasons.

Reduce Moisture

Wet and damp environments around your home attract many insects; this explains why ants find their way into your homes when it rains. So…

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