Found 1 blog entry tagged as elsworthhouse.

The Elsworth House, located in the South Shore of Staten Island, at 90 Bayview Ave in Prince's Bay, received its name from the original owners,  John and Elizabeth Elsworth. The house was built around 1880, during which Prince's Bay became a major focal point of the oyster industry. John Elsworth was an oyster planter, and his home demonstrates the prosperity of the industry at the time.

History Behind The Elsworth House

As aforementioned, John Elsworth was an oyster planter. From early in his life he became involved in the oyster planting business alongside his uncles. He moved to Staten Island in 1977, after marrying to his wife, Elizabeth Waters Jones. Together, they bought what is now the historic Elsworth House on April 7, 1879, and resided…

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