By Timmy Rail of Citybrook Corp.  NMLS•: 12812

When applying for a mortgage, lenders require a 60-day history of the assets that you are using for your down payment and settlement costs. Generally, all "large deposits" that a lender sees going into your account over this 60-day time-frame need to be "sourced." For example, if a parent were to give their child a gift for the purchase of a new home, this is a totally acceptable source, but needs to be proven the correct way, whereas that Super Bowl pool you won at the office may not be such an acceptable source.

When clients are close to their wedding, I always remind them that although lenders have become very picky on wedding gift monies, if properly documented the correct way, the funds can be used…

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Home sales have substantially increased on Staten Island due to various factors. Buyer confidence is back, sellers are in acceptance for realistic asking prices, and historically low interest rates wrap up the formula of strengthened sales. 

"The key to real estate success in Staten Island, aside from having a seasonal professional staff," said Tom and Suzanne Crimmins, owners of Tom Crimmins Realty LTD.. "Is a well managed and maintained Internet website, aggressive Internet advertising, social media and good old school sale marketing."

Tom Crimmins Realty experienced a phenomenal year. Personal sales increased from 218 sale sides in 2012 to 386 in 2013. These numbers do not include their rentals or Brooklyn sales.

According to Tom Crimmins,…

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Are you applying for a mortgage on your Staten Island home? Keep in mind that a mortgage is a major financial decision and choosing one will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Many people go into this decision without understanding all of the essential mortgage information they need to know, which means that they are likely to make poor choices that will result in paying much more than they need to.

If you want to save yourself from throwing away your hard earned money, here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

Trying to Bottom Out the Market

Many people will wait too long to make a decision to lock in their mortgage rate, trying to wait until they think that the rates have hit bottom. However, unfortunately most of the time this…

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August means it’s time to get your children ready for school once more. Picking out backpacks, going clothes shopping and finding all the right school supplies can be hectic enough. However, when you’ve moved and your children have to start all over in a new district, there’s even more to worry about!

Summer fun can make the sunny months fly by. It’s easy to forget that with the beginning of school comes excitement and anxiety for your little ones -- especially if they’re starting out somewhere new. So help them get adjusted with the back-to-a-new-school strategies below.

Explain why you’ll be moving.

Whether you’re moving states or just school districts, it’s best to give your children as much notice as possible and explain to them the reason…

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